Welcome to the GrassRoots Festival Blog. We're starting this blog as a way to answer questions, provide information, and give a space for feedback in an open, public way. My name is Megan Romer and I'm the marketing director for GrassRoots, and I'll be your primary blogger.
Today is April 19th. It's the first day of the Spring Shakori Hills GrassRoots Festival. I didn't get to make it down there for this festival, but I'm thinking this might be a good thing... every time I attend Shakori, there's a massive rainstorm and/or painfully cold weather. I appear to have some seriously wicked bad weather karma, and, thus far, it looks like my staying away is working... the weather report is FANTASTIC... sunny and warm every single day. Knock on wood! It's bittersweet to know that the sun is shining and I'm not there, but I'm willing to take one for the team. :)
We're also less than two weeks away from the end of our early bird ticket deadline - the last day to buy tickets at the discounted rate of $65 is May 1st.
May 1st is also the day we will be announcing our band list, so stay tuned for that! We've got some seriously exciting surprises up our sleeve.
More to come soon... please feel free to shoot general questions my way at megan-AT-grassrootsfest-DOT-org, and I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my ability.
CURRENTLY LISTENING TO: Jennie Stearns - Sing Desire
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