There are many, many valid and reasonable arguments on both sides of the issue, some obvious and some less so, but after weighing all of them at length, it was decided that this decision will make the most people the happiest.
A few questions have come up regarding this decision, the most pressing of which is "Am I still allowed to drum, and if so, where?" The answer is yes, absolutely! For starters, there will be some semi-organized drumming at the drum sales booth in the craft area at the festival. We also always encourage jam sessions, pickin' and grinnin', and other homemade musical campsite activities. We just request that if your neighboring campsite asks you to quiet down or take it elsewhere, you respect their wishes.
Feel free to ask any more questions that you might have about this issue - we know it's a tough one, but we're just trying to make the best possible situation for as many people as possible.
Currently Listening: Vieux Farka Touré
Hey drummers hello to all kindred spirits,My name is nery Arevalo
I have not been there for the past two years I'm back We will have a drum workshop on Sat 12:00 to 1:30 P.M.
at the cabaret site.
And also find a place to drum during the fest. Drumming also at EVERYONE IS DRUMMING BOOTH
as always.
Be safe in your travels
See you there.
Nery Arevalo
Yay! Everyone, Nery is a seriously amazing drummer, and you should ALL take his workshop!
What??? No drum circle??? Drum circle is one of the BEST parts of Grassroots!!! It's where spectators become performers, strangers become friends, extended drumming trance states connect all to the Roots of human existence, dancing and drumming around the fire like the countless generations before us. What wicked and awful irony it is that the Grassroots t-shirt logo for 2007 features- guess what- a drum circle!!! We wholeheartedly endorse the return of the drum circle to it's site of 2 years ago, near the ballfield stage, complete with sound muffling haystack walls. The dome was a beautiful touch, too. Drumming in the little drum store booth is NO substitute, it does not even come close to the true, complete drum circle experience. If there were noise complaints last year, it would have helped to have the hay walls. Having no drum circle is an ENORMOUS disappointment... We deeply hope that you will let the drummers and dancers have their turn next year!!!
I could not believe the lack of a drum circle this year! I don't even have any drums or play any musical instrument at all, but the drum circle is where I'd go in previous years to chill out for a minute, collect myself, warm up by the fire. If you don't bring back the drum circle next year you should atleast change the name of the festival to Lameroots... and count me out. I've loved the festival every year since I was a kid, but dropping the bonfire is a HUGE deal, and for me - a deal breaker.
While I enjoy the drum circle and respect everyone's right to make joyful noise, hours of non stop drumming gets to be a drag over the long weekend, especially late at night. I'd like to see the drum circle back, but maybe at the back of the infield track, and with the sound muffling hay stacks or something safer.
Hey all,
Just FYI, we were told that we weren't allowed to have a fire this year anywhere on the grounds, for safety reasons, so that aspect would have been gone anyway.
anyone ever heard of the BURNING man festival? then again, Nevada's prolly waaay less uptight of a state than NY
The Burning Man festival is held in the desert (not much of anything to catch on fire) in about a kajillion acres worth of space - a fire there is no big deal. GrassRoots is held on a tiny little area where a spreading fire could happen easily and do serious damage.
-hey, i've been to grassroots since 1999 and have played at the drumcircle every year and have memories from just the drumcircle alone to last a life time.
- it was a big disapointment to show up at the 2007 fest and not have a spot to drum. but i have an idea..........last year is the first year i camped on the offsite grounds and meet the owner of the field. there is alot of room and the owner is very kind and as long as ther were people to help organize the circle he might be able to help us out.
-he's always looking for help a day or two before the festival starts... so lets show up early and see what happens it's worth a shot
-peace and love
see u in 2008
yes putting the drum circle at the off-site camping ground would be alot better, over there its mostly the younger people camping and thereisnt any music over there so theres not any better place than off site, many people hear about the circle and go to the festival for that reason, my first Groots i heard about the circle and wanted to see it for myself and i had the time of my life at that time ive never experienced anything like it i drummed away from the start of the cicle till dawn so please take our advice and bring back somthing like that i mean bonnaroo has a acustic forest and a silent rave so somthing creative and musical would help the festival alot for 2008
I am so greatly disappointed that last year was my first Grassroots and I entirely missed the drum circle. I had really been looking forward to it. I understand that constant drumming could get tiring but it's a music festival. What if there is a specified evening for druming in a sound absorbing hay circle? or maybe an afternoon on the slope. There has to be some compromise instead of just removing the drums from the festival.
"There has to be some compromise instead of just removing the drums from the festival."
- I wholeheartedly agree. The official drum circle is a focal point for the unique energy of the festival. I've yet to experience anything close to it at other events. Last year, we tried to get one started at the dance tent in the early morning, but it never really took off. There needs to be a spot dedicated to this purpose. I know it must be difficult to keep everyone happy, and I also know that there are space issues in the fairgrounds. If it means moving the circle off-site, I'm ok with that. I would definitely go out of my way to get there, especially if there can be a fire! This might even add some extra appeal for people who didn't get on-site camping. Please try to figure out some way to salvage the official drum circle. It's important!
Believe me, you guys - this was not an issue we took lightly, and we tried really hard to find a solution. We can't have it onsite because of space and noise issues. We can't have it offsite because of zoning issues and noise issues. There's a lot of bureaucracy coming at us that we have to deal with. We could just violate every ordinance and have one big amazing loud crazy festival, but it'd be our last one. Or we could have one where we try to be as respectful of our neighbors and our community as possible, and still have an amazing time.
This is generally an informal gathering of drummers and percussionists who have some knowledge and skill in sets of rhythms that are specific to a culture. They would tend to use instruments that are authentic in relation to that culture. They may be peer led or given structure by teachers or performers.
Wide Circles
well, the drum circle was my favorite part of the fest.. too bad there wasn't some way to save it....some of my best memories are of dancing unabashed, under the full moon, round the fire.... I guess go to musefest if you still long for that experience...
Are you still planning to not build an official "drum circle"? I beleive that this feature was truly the most memorable of my 7 festival experiences. The rhythms, people, and vibe is undoubtedly a major draw for me. Of course I will find the smaller unoffical gatherings satisfying, but the Grassroots endorsed circle validated our experience and encouraged this unique style of expression. See you in July...
The Drum Circle Lives!!!!!
Off site at off site camping. It worked out beautifully. The drums the Digerydoos and all the other instruments. The fire and people dancing in the natural light was a wonder to behold. Grassroots 2009 is a memory now but what a memory. Thanks to all who made it possible. See you next year!!
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What about a 2010 Drum Circle?
I just returned from this years Merle Fest. I was wondering if Grassroots would consider setting up pickin' tents like they do at the Merle Fest?
I just got a great hand drum in Arusha, Tanzania.
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