Monday, March 24, 2008

So You Wanna Be a GrassRoots Intern?

Seeking two extraordinary persons with whom to enter a mutually beneficial business relationship in the Summer of 2008. Simply put: we need interns!

Yes, we're looking for a coupla good college-aged superstars to come and work with us in the GrassRoots Office. One intern will work under the festival executive director, and the other will work under yours truly. The directorial intern will work on the more event-planning-y aspects of the festival, and the marketing intern will work on the more you-should-come-to-our-festival aspects.

They're not going to be menial-labor jobs... well... no more menial than any of the jobs the staff already does; Nana Tickets and I spent the afternoon putting $3.06 worth of stamps, in odd combinations, on envelopes. Festival Director Rosa didn't call "not it" fast enough, so she got stuck picking up lunch. Some of it is glamorous, though (or at least highly entertaining), and the internships will involve a whole lot of that fun stuff.

So, if you've got a lifelong interest in non-profit work, arts management, music publicity, or anything of that sort, and you happen to be a college-aged student, give me a holler at and I'll send you full job descriptions and an application.

Also, the internships are for experience only, but we will do everything we can to make sure that you get academic credit for the work you do here - we're already legit with several regional schools, so it shouldn't be an issue, unless your college has an official policy against awesome non-profits, in which case, you shouldn't go there.

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