Monday, February 13, 2012

2012 Camping Tickets On Sale Now!

We're all getting back from the fabulous Virginia Key GrassRoots Festival, with a new feeling -- instead of finishing off a festival with mud everywhere, we're covered in sand! Could be worse...

Anyhow, it's Valentine's Day, which means that GrassRoots camping is now on sale! There are a few policy changes this year, all prompted by local ordinances and Health Department regulations, but none of which will cause any major hassle for either you or us, we suspect. Still worth having a look-see, though, so go here to read up. Once you're through with that, head to the Tickets Page to buy your tickets!

See you soon...


Grassroots DVDs said...

Hey guys,

Check out to buy a high-quality annual DVD of the Grassroots Festival of Music and Dance!

Steve said...

We have an On-site RV Pass available for face value at $170. Contact Steve at to make arrangements. Available as of 7-3-12.

Anonymous said...

I have a "nextdoor" camping pass for face value - $135. email:

John Henry Goico said...

An RV pass is required for each RV to enter the festival grounds and park in the specifically designated, please click the following webpage