Monday, April 23, 2007

State of the Union

Well, I didn't make it down to Shakori, and apparently the lack of the "Megan Bad Weather Karma" worked like a charm... it was sunny and mid-70s all weekend! Ain't no joke, folks... this is the best weather Shakori has ever had, and sunshine surely makes a difference. Apparently, nearly a Brazillion people showed up. This is lovely and wonderful and everything, but it of course means that unless I am able to change my weather karma, I'm never allowed to go to Shakori again. Any ideas on how I can do this? Burn sage and twirl? Please, folks, I need help... I really want to go back.

Planning for the Trumansburg festival is going well. We're a week and a couple of days away from the end of the Early Bird Deadline. We're also a week and a couple of days away from announcing the band list, which means that I am going to be very busy very soon, sending out press releases and making sure that you GrassRoots Blog readers are not the only ones who've heard of the festival.

While we can't tell you the names of any bands yet, if you dig around MySpace a little bit, you'll discover us on several different tour schedules. It's like a treasure hunt. What I can tell you, though, is that I like making lists of things, and this morning, I made a list of where our musicians are coming from this year. I'm not telling you names, but there will be 15 countries (5 continents!) represented among our performing artists. Also, thus far, people have purchased tickets from 28 states and 2 Canadian provinces. We love the idea that so many people from so many places converge upon TinyTown T-burg every summer, all coming together simply to have fun and make music. It's big. It's cool. It's really, really fun.

FYI, this blog is comment-able... feel free to leave one at any time.

Currently listening to: John Brown's Body - Pressure Points

1 comment:

Iris Star Chamberlain said...

>_< Good god, I am SO GLAD that there is a grassroots blog. Thank you thank you thank you! I've been wanting for so many years to feel the roots community throughout the year and perhaps this is the beginning!