Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Volunteers Office Up and Running!

Well, we've got two new volunteer coordinators this year, both of whom have worked a lot with the GrassRoots organization in the past. Ms. Keli Carlson (our Cabaret Hall crew chief) and Ms. Michelle Wright (the volunteer coordinator for Shakori Hills) are heading up that massive project. GrassRoots has well over 1,000 volunteers these days, and we're always in need of more. Get in touch with them either through the volunteer page of the GrassRoots website or by calling the brand spankin' new volunteer phone number: 607-387-4388 (it's best to go through the website first).

Currently Listening To: Arrested Development - Greatest Hits

1 comment:

Teddy said...

I know it's incredibly early, but not too early for the Grassroots. I'm an interested volunteer. I teach and was one of those original festival goers back in 1990-91 and so on. I want to go back and be a part of the great festivities by helping out and enjoy the fact of meeting new folks.

See you sooner....