Friday, June 29, 2007

MC Lars is Funny and Anti-Corporate

In case you weren't already aware, the Finger Lakes GrassRoots Festival is the largest self-sustaining arts festival in the country. That means no corporate sponsorship. While we certainly respect every other festival out there for doing what they need to do to keep on keepin' on, we like that we are able to get by without having corporations around who might just want to insist on having some artistic say-so.

So this year one of our new and exciting performers is a guy named MC Lars. He's a pioneer of "nerdcore", and he's become something of a cult hero. His songs put the ringer on all sorts of different stupid societal trends while still rocking out. Anyhow, Lars regularly makes video podcasts which are pretty hilarious, and his latest one is a bit of a cautionary tale about a band called Cartel, who are sponsored by Dr. Pepper. Watch it here:

We think, despite the fact that he performs a genre of music we've never presented before, that he'll fit right in. We wish his Mom was coming, too, because we are also fans of The Strand Bookstore (18 miles of books!) and we go every time we're in NY. By we, I mean me. 18 miles of books. I digress.
Lars also has a new DVD coming out, which you can order here.

Currently Listening - The Graduate - MC Lars

1 comment:

Lane Tobias said...

A good friend of mine, who is now the full time drummer for Steel Train, introduced me to "MC Lars" about 8 months ago after a show they did together in NYC. I had the opportunity to hang out with MC LARS that evening and found him to be exactly how he projects himself through his music and through his so-called genre "Nerdcore". Looking forward to seeing him play and chillen after the show