Saturday, July 12, 2008

CONFIRMED: Tuesday at 3:00

Okay, so yesterday the Ithaca Journal ran an article that claimed that Rabbit Run Road would be opened at 3:30 pm on Wednesday. This is INCORRECT. The road WILL be opened on Tuesday at 3:00. Thanks for sitting tight; we just want to make sure everyone has the most complete information possible!


Anonymous said...

when is Ok, legal, to park on rabbit run road before the festival. i know that last year they had issues about parking to early and i really like getting close to the gate earlier in the week. i think they gave me some baloney story about they were going to "mow" the sides if the road...anyhow do you have any info on that for 09'

Anonymous said...

When people park on Rabbit Run, where do they sleep? In the car, tent next to the car? What facilities do people use during the line up, because you could be stuck there for up to 48 hours.

Unknown said...

Where do you sleep? Remember this is a neighborhood with children sleeping, etc. so be quite after 9. Grassroots is trying to provide port a toilets along the road -- USE THEM! The "Woods" is someone's back yard and some of the neighbors have had enough of their children finding plopy presents and trash left by festival goers. Have fun but be considerate.

Unknown said...

FOR 2015

THE TOWN OF ULYSSESS HAS ANNOUNCED THAT "Parking for Grassroots on Rabbit Run Rd. will be available after 7 a.m. on Wednesday, July 15." See This means the temporary no parking signs on Rabbit Run will be removed by then.