Friday, July 11, 2008

SCHEDULE CHANGE: Please Welcome the Lee Boys!

The Lee Boys are coming to GrassRoots! This should be big news for anyone who's seen them at any of their amazing performances. This powerhouse sacred steel gospel band will fit right in here, and raise the roof off the Grandstand at 5:00 pm on Friday, and the Dance Tent at 4:00 on Saturday. These spots were going to be the Allen Boys, but they have canceled their appearance.

So here's a little something to get you excited, y'all! Here's a video of the Lee Boys playing at the Sioux Falls Jazz and Blues Festival last summer:


Anonymous said...

everyone is in for some great groovin gospel jams.
this is a must see band.I can't wait to see them again.
saw them for the first time ever at Crawfish Fest.
this band will make you want to get up and boogie.
Carey in Gettysburg, PA

Anonymous said...

fantastic band, lots of fun

Anonymous said...

saw them at merlefest this april with traveling mccory's, some of the best jamming great grooving bluegrass black band ever, great addition check out their telluride live cd from last year must see